
Audience reviews @ 2016 Edinburgh Fringe

The audiences absolutely LOVE "Sounds of Taiwan." Watch their feedback!

 Come join this unique musical journey with expert musicians from France Hugues Vincent, Japan Ryohei Kanemitsu and Taiwan Lo Chang Chin blend the sounds of three of the world’s most distinctive string instruments: erhu, sitar and cello.
★★★★ HeraldScotland
★★★★ The Scotsman
Amazing range of tones & expression...The musicians work superbly together'

Review "A refreshing amalgam of east and west"★★★★ heraldscotland

A refreshing amalgam of east and west...The three musicians work superbly together, supporting and interacting with apparent ease, and while there’s plenty of heat, as their improvisations build in intensity, the essential melodies are very clear"


Review ”A truly sumptuous hour of sound”★★★★ Scotsman

Musicians Hugues Vincent, Ryohei Kanemitsu and Chang Chin Lo – known collectively as the Wooonta Trio – are a real find. The show’s title, Sounds Of Taiwan, is based more on the fact that’s where the three men met, rather than the work they play. Vincent hails from France, Kanemitsu from Japan and Chin Lo from Taiwan, each bringing a flavour of their homeland to the table. That said, their repertoire extends even further, with flavours of Eastern Europe also in the mix. Personable and friendly, the three men introduce each work before proving themselves true masters of their chosen instruments of sitar (Kanemitsu, who trained in India), cello (Vincent, a real driving force) and the Chinese erhu (Chin Lo, who produces more depth of emotion than seems possible from a two-stringed fiddle). A truly sumptuous hour of sound.

Sound of Taiwan @ Edingburgh Festival Fringe 2016

Wooonta Trio joined Edingburgh Festival Fringe 2016.
We had Wooontaful 20shows at Zoo southside. Happy to share music with many people and gain a lot of love!


Band mamber: Hugues Vincent雨果·文森/Cello (France)

Hugues Vincent雨果·文森/Cello (France)

Hugues Vincent works as a solo artist and acts on stage in contemporary dance contexts.
Over the years he collaborated with: Tilbol, Celluloïd (with Franck Smith), Joelle Léandre "String project", Otomo Yoshihide "New jazz ensemble", David S Ware's "ensemble à cordes", Bobun (with viola player Frantz Loriot), the Ska band "Le pélican frisé", the acousmatic trio Bolitz (with Polo and Vincent Laubeuf)... He writes music for Four Roses For Lucienne (based on texts by Roland Topor), the free rock trio Ganjin... Improvisations with: Vincent Courtois, Claude Tchamitchian, Jean François Pauvros, Luc Ex, Jean Luc Cappozzo, Itaru Oki... also works in choreographic fields (with Chia Yin Ling, Imre Thormann, Ima Tenko...).
Hugues toured in different countries (Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, Italia, Spain, United-States, Morocco, Egypt, Algeria, Russia, Japan, Taïwan)...
Hugues studied classical cello with Denise Cherret and jazz at Edim and Conservatory of Montreuil (France)... He is a holder of a diploma in musicology... Master classes with Sofia Domancich, Didier Levalet, Régis Huby, Vincent Courtois, Ernst Reisjeger, Barre Phillips, Joëlle Léandre...
事師丹尼斯·夏雷(Denise Cherret)學習古典大提琴,並於蒙特勒伊(Montreuil) Edim音樂學院學習爵士音樂,持有音樂學文憑。先後隨師Sofia Domancich, Didier Levalet, Régis Huby, Vincent Courtois, Ernst Reisjeger, Barre Phillips, Joelle Léandre等名家的演奏大師班課程。多年來雨果·文森經常和不同領域的音樂家組團演出,如Tilbol樂團;與Franck Smith組成的“底片-Celluloïd” 樂團;Joelle Léandre "弦樂計劃 - String project" ; Otomo Yoshihide "新爵士組合 - New jazz ensemble" ; David S Ware 的 "弦樂組合 - ensemble à cordes" ; 與中提琴Frantz Loriot的 “Bobun”; ska斯卡樂團“卷羽鵜鶘 - Le pélican frisé”; acousmatic幻聽音樂三重奏”Bolitz”;搖滾音樂三重奏 “趕緊 –Ganjin” 。也合音樂家如Vincent Courtois, Mori Shige, Jean François Pauvros, Luc Ex, Maki Hachiya, Tabata Mitsuru合作發展即興音樂,同時與編舞家林佳穎, Ima Tenko, Imre Thormann, Saiko Kino等合作表演。

Band member:Ryohei Kanemitsu”YO” / Sitar西塔琴(Japan)

Ryohei Kanemitsu”YO” / Sitar西塔琴(Japan)

日籍樂手2001年跟隨 大師Dr.Sabyasachi sarkhel開始學習Imdadkhani式的演奏風格,現在跟隨世界最偉大之一西塔琴巨匠Ustad Shujaat Khan。
2004年進入印度加爾各答Visva-Bharati大學音樂系,主修北印度古典西塔琴演奏。自2005年起,開始在印度各地演奏,廣受好評。自 2006起巡迴於印度、泰國、孟加拉、日本、韓國、台灣、澳門等地國際音樂藝術節演出。2009年全日本椛の湖現代民謡音楽祭2010年日本最大印度音樂 祭Sangeet Mela演出、2012年巡迴於愛爾蘭, 波蘭演出,2013年在國家音樂廳和台北市立國音樂團共演及英國演出, 2014年在國家戲劇院和人力飛行劇團演出,第十八屆 國家文藝獎頒獎典禮演出.在國家音樂廳和塔布拉鼓大師Pt Abhiman Kaushal演出
金光亮平Ryohei Kanemitsu”YO” is Sitar and Surbahar player
He has been learning Sitar in Imdadkhani garana from Dr Sabyasachi sarkhel since 2001. He joined Visva-bharati in B-mus in2004. Since 2005 he started performance in India. And since 2006 he has been invited to participate International music festival in Japan, India, Bangladesh, Korea, Thailand, Macau and so on. Opening act in Shivaratori in Varansi in India, 2008. Performed at All Japan folk Jambory in 2009, Sageet Mela in Japan 2010, He had music tour in Europe (Ireland, Holand, Poland) in 2012. 2013 He performed with Taipei City Chinese Orchestra at National concert hall in Taiwan. He worked with Mr Wing theater company and perfromed national Theater hall in taiwan in end of 2013 to 2014. Also He played with well-known Tabla maestro Pt Abhiman kaushal in National concert hall in Taiwan2014. Currently He is leaning Sitar from Great master Ustad Shujaat khan. Now he is working at national Tainan university of Art as teaching Sitar and Indian music theory and music director of Kathak dance group “Tarana Live”and Indian music association in Taiwan.
Blog :http://sitaryo.blogspot.com/

Band member: TS LO 羅常秦/Erhu二胡演奏家 (Taiwan)

TS LO 羅常秦/Erhu二胡演奏家 (Taiwan)
不論是熱門電影【大宅們】、【總鋪師】、【天后之戰】配樂,或是流行歌手盧廣仲的歌曲【梅西好朋友】,甚至是充滿中國風的DJ電音作品【The Path of Time 】,其中的二胡演奏皆出自羅常秦之手。 畢業於國立台灣師範大學民族音樂研究所,不只詮釋傳統名曲出神入化,長期致力於和國內外不同類型音樂家合作的他總是穿梭於不同性質的音樂領域之間,不只將 傳統二胡的精髓及韻味帶入更多元的表演藝術領域中,更展現出了突破傳統音樂的新格局。2014年發行【Jazz Erhu:Hu Says/胡說八道爵士二胡演奏專輯】即入圍第二十五屆傳藝金曲獎「最佳跨界專輯」與第五屆金音創作獎「最佳爵士專輯」與「最佳爵士單曲」兩項大獎提名; 同年於法國發行跨界二胡演奏專輯【Taiwan Erhu - T.S. LO】更成為第一位由法國最大世界音樂發行公司出版發行於全球的台灣二胡演奏家,對於將台灣精緻文化藝術帶入歐洲市場具有指標性意義。2015年受邀擔任 文化部台灣光點計畫音樂家,赴法國巡迴演出並與法國音樂家進行跨國合作計劃;同年受邀成為首屆台灣國際音樂節嘉賓,演出《絃 x 跨界》 跨界音樂會。
YouTube Channel : TS LO ERHU SOLO